082922 StudentAffairs

Welcome to the OUWB Student Affairs Office!

Student Affairs' Mission学生事务与我们的学生合作,以促进他们的整体福祉和成功,作为未来的医生和个人. 

Student Affairs' Vision:牛津大学学生事务处将在医学教育界得到认可,在指导和赋予学生个人和专业发展道路上发挥领导作用.

Student Affairs' Values:

  • Empathy
  • Equity & Advocacy
  • Innovation
  • Collaboration
  • Transparency

The Student Affairs Office is responsible for:  

  • M1 Orientation
  • Academic Support - Study strategies, Learning Techniques, Disability Services Liaison, USMLE Step 1 and Step 2 Board Exam Preparation
  • Peer Tutoring
  • Career Advising - CV Review, Personal Statement Writing, Interviewing Skills, Residency Application Preparation, Match Process Assistance
  • Wellness Coaching
  • Student Organization Support
  • Event Planning - 白大褂典礼,AOA就职典礼,比赛日,荣誉大会,毕业典礼

学生事务办公室位于216 O 'Dowd Hall的医学生服务中心(CMSS)套房.  请致电(248)370-2767与前台联系预约.

Meet the Student Affairs Team
Student Handbook
Counseling and Mental Health

OUWB Student Mental Health Counselors Janae Kinn, LMSW, and Ashley Watters, MA, LPC, NCC,以帮助OUWB学生应对与学业、生活和心理健康相关的压力. 他们的主要工作是为对外商学院的学生提供咨询服务. 学生与他们探讨、处理和/或处理的一些常见话题包括:

  • Adjustment to medical school
  • Medical student stress and burnout
  • "Imposter Syndrome"
  • Relationship stressors
  • Family stressors
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Trauma
  • Death, loss, and grief
  • Health and wellness
  • Self-esteem/identity
  • Mindfulness
  • Self-care
  • Skill building

Dedicated to strengthening student wellness, Janae和Ashley提供研讨会和支持小组来解决学生的各种需求. 他们为学生提供的其他服务包括危机干预, advocacy, and connecting students to community resources.

OUWB心理健康顾问对学生的方法包括以人为本的方法, integrated health perspectives, intersectionality, mindfulness, self-care strategies, trauma informed care skills, and evidence-based practices, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and motivational interviewing.

Scheduling an Appointment
所有目前在册的澳博医学院学生都可以免费获得澳博心理健康咨询服务. 这些服务贯穿学生医学教育的所有阶段. To schedule a counseling appointment with Janae or Ashley, 请致电公开大学咨询中心(248)370-3465并要求与他们会面. 如果你对Janae和Ashley提供的不同服务有疑问, they are available by phone at (248) 370-4781 and email at [email protected] . 请注意,Google Mail可能不是最安全的通信方式.

咨询服务在学生和辅导员之间是完全保密的. 没有学生的书面同意,学生的信息永远不会与任何人共享. This includes sharing information with School of Medicine faculty and staff; information cannot be shared by the counselor without student consent. 在极少数情况下,以确保学生和其他人的安全, 如果学生表明对自己或他人造成严重伤害的计划,辅导员可以打破保密.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

问:我可以通过Google Calendar Invite预约吗?

您的机密性和受保护的健康信息(PHI)具有最高的优先级. 因此,您将无法通过谷歌日历安排约会. While this may cause inconvenience, 与日历共享相关的风险可能会导致不必要的PHI共享或他人的PHI共享. 

Q: 医学院和住院医师项目是否可以访问我在会议上分享的信息?

将您的咨询记录视为受保护的健康信息(PHI),只有在您允许的情况下才能共享. Even with your permission, OUWB心理健康咨询师可能会分享您记录中的信息, but cannot release the record itself. OUWB医学院没有你的心理健康记录, 因此无法与住院医师项目分享.

 Q: What is in my record and who has access to it?

Minimal information related to assessment, safety, treatment plan goals/progress, and treatment interventions are included in your record. 只有你和律师能看你的记录. 公开大学咨询中心和格雷厄姆健康中心也可以访问您的记录, 尽管他们不会查看您的信息,除非您与他们的工作人员之一一起工作.

You may request your record at any time, 辅导员可以决定是否满足这个要求. Additionally, 您可以书面同意将您的信息与其他来源共享, though your record itself will not be released. 这条规则也有一些罕见的例外,比如法院对记录的传票.

Q: What is counseling?

Per the National Association of Social Workers, “社会工作专业的主要使命是增进人类福祉,帮助满足所有人的基本和复杂需求, with a particular focus on those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty.“社会工作考虑到一个人的环境(外部因素,如家庭), school, work, family, friends, 社区)和他们的人(内部因素,如遗传, health, social history or life experiences, identity, mental health, beliefs) impact a person’s situation and outlook. Using this lens, 社会工作者可以评估和干预,以帮助客户学习如何应对压力源或授权客户创造改变.

Q: What does a counselor do?

Counselors work in a variety of places, including: hospitals, clinics, schools, private practices, juvenile justice systems, prisons, homeless and domestic violence shelters, child and adult protective services, foster care agencies, senior centers, nursing homes, and grassroot community organizations. They can hold a variety of jobs, such as mental health/substance abuse therapists, advocates, crisis interventionalists, case managers, community organizers, program evaluators, managers or directors of non-profits, community educators, and faculty in academia.


In the state of Michigan, 完成社会工作硕士/心理咨询硕士学位的社会工作者或专业咨询师, passed the national clinical licensing exam, and has at least 3,000 to 4,在有监督的临床工作中工作超过000小时,可以获得LMSW或LPC证书. An LMSW, 或持牌社会工作硕士或LPC(持牌专业咨询师)有资格提供心理治疗.

有关谁有资格提供心理健康治疗的更多信息,请访问 National Alliance on Mental Health and Therapist Aid.