An image of OUWB faculty members

Center for Excellence in Medical Education

学院事务和卓越医学教育中心(cme)致力于创造一种幸福的文化,支持一个鼓励教职员工蓬勃发展和实现职业目标的环境, full professional potential, and teaching excellence.

An image directing readers to the sign-up form for CEME events

Professional Development Opportunities

医学教育卓越中心提供各种教职员工发展计划和培训, both in-person and virtually via Zoom. The CEME team is also proud to collaborate with the Corewell Health CME Department. You can view a list of their on demand CME offerings here. 

Programming Spotlight:
Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training (ASIST)

ASIST is an intensive, two-day, 自杀急救互动式工作坊,教你认识到什么时候有人可能会有自杀的想法,以及如何与他们一起制定一个计划,以支持他们的即时安全. Participants must attend both days to complete this training.
请注意:由于项目费用,十大菠菜台子的学生和员工需要支付70美元的费用. For participants not affiliated with OUWB, Oakland University, or Corewell Health East, there is a $120 fee.
Click here to register or view other CEME programs

CEME Signature Events and Programs

Medical Education Week

2025 Medical Education Week

Our 14th annual Medical Education Week will take place from May 12 - 16, 2025.

Interested in the 2024 Medical Education Week recorded sessions? Click here to request access and watch the recordings.

Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate Program

The Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) certificate program is a year-long, cohort-based, 由美国医学院协会(AAMC)管理的全国性教育领导力发展项目.  每个日历年(1月至12月)将在OUWB提供机构赞助的LEAD项目(ISP)模式。. Up to 16 Fellows will be accepted into the local LEAD program at OUWB.

LEAD计划培养与医学教育组织和流程相关的最佳公认理论模型和有效领导的最佳实践的实践知识.  这个项目的目标是早期到中期的职业教师谁有志或已经在医学教育的领导角色. 担任领导角色的专业人员也可以被视为LEAD队列的研究员. Upon successful completion of the LEAD program, graduates will receive an AAMC LEAD Certificate of Recognition.

LEAD program video

Review the 2024 LEAD Fellow Information Packet.

Email [email protected] for more information about this program

Residents as Teachers

让住院医生接触医学教学概念,并通过角色扮演和其他活动,让他们有机会提高他们的教学技能. 顺利完成课程的住院医师将获得医学教育高级培训证书. 该项目包括由博蒙特医生教授的斯坦福课程和一系列互动全体会议. This program runs the academic year, August-May.

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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Clinical Teaching Program

In acknowledgement of the importance of clinical teaching, these seminars are designed for any faculty member who teaches medical students. 遵循斯坦福医学院教师发展中心的模块, this program consists of didactic presentations, group discussions, role-play exercises, and personal and institutional goal setting. 完成这个项目的教师们对他们成功实施的“非规定性行为改进教学方法”赞不绝口.“在斯坦福大学医学院参加了为期一个月的课程并接受了培训的八名教师获得了认证,可以为公开商学院的教师提供这个备受推崇和有效的教学项目.

Please contact [email protected] for more information about this program.

Apply Now

Implicit Bias Opportunities

您是否正在寻求隐性偏见培训,以满足密歇根州许可和监管事务(LARA)的要求? CEME is offering a variety of opportunities to earn these credits. 您可以在我们的注册页面“隐性偏见机会”部分找到最新的会议列表. Sessions are restricted to those with a Corewell Health or Oakland email address, so please register with your correct email affiliation.

Implicit Bias Registration

Fellowship in Medical Education

An advanced-level hybrid program will teach skills in medical education research, including how to formulate a testable research question, designing the study, applying for IRB approval, conducting the study, analyzing data, and disseminating results through posters, publications, and podium presentations.

参与者将被要求在活动期间展示海报并介绍他们的项目 Medical Education Week. This program consists of ten sessions. 您将从我们的录音菜单中选择五个在线课程,在您自己的时间观看. 

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

Medical Education Certificate

医学教育证书介绍医学教育的理论和实践. A range of issues are covered, 从课堂的实际操作到指导我们课堂教学的基本理论. The program provides a basic knowledge of medical education, including but not limited to teaching large and small groups, using technology, curriculum theory, pedagogy, mentoring, simulation and threshold concepts. Scholarship and research of medical education will also be introduced. 

Please contact [email protected] for more information.

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Peer Connections

Peer Connections 是否有一个有意为教师提供的培训项目,让他们有兴趣与密歇根医学院的同行教师建立互惠合作. Peers are matched based on research and teaching interests. Each year, 我们为教师提供机会,让他们继续现有的指导小组,或与其他教师进行匹配. In addition to matching faculty together from different medical schools, we also offer collaborative faculty development opportunities. 

Learn more about the Peer Connections program here.

An image directing readers to the sign-up form for CEME events

Opportunities and Resources

Professional Development Resources
Online Training Assistance Available for Faculty

Foundational Medical Studies Faculty member Stefanie Attardi, Ph.D. 可以通过咨询和以下两个有用的指南帮助教师过渡到在线教学:
Well-Being Opportunities and Resources
Dimensions of Well-Being

The National Wellness Institute (NWI), recognizes six dimensions:

  • Emotional这个维度关注的是对一个人的感觉和情绪反应的意识和接受.
  • Intellectual: This dimension is concerned with continuous intellectual stimulation and growth.
  • Occupational这个维度关注的是人们通过工作获得的成就感和满足感.
  • Physical这一维度涉及一个人的身体健康和需要定期和持续的身体活动.
  • Social这个维度关注的是一个人通过他们的环境和社区与他人的联系.
  • Spiritual这个维度关注的是一个人与他们的信仰和价值观的联系,这些信仰和价值观为一个人的生活提供了意义和目的.

Additional information on these six dimensions is available on NWI’s website

Well-being Opportunities

Oakland University Recreation and Well-Being offers a variety or workshops focused on the six dimensions of well-being. 这些研讨会对任何愿意参加的公开商学院教职员工开放.

Bwell, 博蒙特健康公司的员工健康计划为博蒙特员工提供了各种各样的产品和资源. These offerings include mindfulness programs, healthy lifestyle coaching, employee energizer sessions, and currently, an activity tracker subsidy program.