Oakland University

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(248) 370-2100

Suicide Prevention

灰熊回应:意识和自杀预防(GRASP)是由几位看到心理健康意识需要的公开大学教授发起的, particularly suicide prevention, on campus and in the community. The views, 所表达的政策和观点是作者的观点,并不一定反映作者的观点 SAMHSA or HHS.

Resources for Students

同伴之间互相帮助是预防自杀的最佳策略之一. If you see the warning signs in your friend, do not ignore them. 陷入困境的学生更有可能在找专业人士之前先找朋友. As a student, 你的朋友可能会更直接地和你分享他们的感受. 

Campus Resources

The OU Counseling Center 为如何识别和处理问题学生提供了很好的资源.

你可能不太愿意接近你所关心的同学. There are other options. 如果您对学生、教师或工作人员有疑问,您可以:

  • Consult a counselor at the OU Counseling Center at (248) 370-3465
  • 咨询学生院长,电话:(248)370-3352(有关学生的问题)
  • Use OU’s Report and Support feature (for anyone on campus). 

如果你觉得一个人有伤害自己或他人的直接危险, please call OU police at (248) 370-3331.

How Can I Help?

Reach out to your friend. Express your concern. Be direct and honest. Encourage getting help without sitting in judgment, acting shocked or suggesting that you have all the answers. And – above all – be available and listen. 你可能不理解你的朋友正在经历什么,但你可以帮助他/她度过难关. Don’t be a counselor.

了解可用的资源,以便您可以为您的朋友提供选择. 要坚持下去——因为在精神健康问题上寻求专业帮助是一种耻辱, your friend may not be willing to seek the help that he/she needs. 如果他/她不愿意,主动打电话给他/她,或者主动提出第一次约会就来. It is often the first step that is the hardest.

Take Care of Yourself

帮助一个与心理健康问题作斗争的朋友是非常有压力的. 认识到自己的个人极限,了解自己保持健康的需要. Remember, you are not a mental health care provider; you are simply a supportive friend. It is not your responsibility to save someone; your only responsibility is to care and get the person to help. If you need help, don’t hesitate to get it!

Check out Half of Us, 该项目由麻省理工大学和杰德基金会合作,旨在提高大学生的心理健康意识. It offers a confidential online assessment and more.

Resources for Faculty/Staff

开放大学的教职员工可能面临心理健康问题或知道有人面临心理健康问题,他们可以获得帮助. Faculty and staff resources include the OU Counseling Center, the SEHS Counseling Center, and the Employee Assistance Program.

OU Counseling Center


The OU Counseling Center 提供了关于如何识别和接近问题个人的优秀资源.


  • Consult a counselor at the OU Counseling Center at (248) 370-3465
  • 咨询学生院长,电话:(248)370-3352(有关学生的问题)
  • Use OU’s Report and Support feature (for anyone on campus). 

如果你觉得一个人有伤害自己或他人的直接危险, please call OU Police at (248) 370-3331.

SEHS Counseling Center (in Pawley Hall)

  • All staff, 教师和学生有资格获得研究生培训提供的一般咨询服务
    • Excludes crisis counseling, substance abuse issues, court-ordered counseling and severe mental health issues
  • Services are free  

Contact the SEHS Counseling Center for more information.

Unum & Health Advocate Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

十大菠菜台子和Unum的合作伙伴关系为会员提供了额外的好处, 这是一个由第三方公司提供的员工援助计划吗. 您可以联系健康倡导24/7,以获得以下项目的机密帮助:

  • A Licensed Professional Counselor can help with stress, depression, anxiety, relationship issues, divorce, job stress, work conflicts, family or parenting problems, anger, grief, loss, and more.
  • 健康倡导者的工作/生活专家可以回答问题,并帮助您在社区中找到资源,以协助以下主题:儿童保育, elder care, legal questions, identity theft, financial services, debt management, credit reporting issues, reducing medical/dental bills, and more.
  • Call Health Advocate at 800-854-1446 (multi-lingual) or go online to www.unum.com/lifebalance.

Contact HR for more information on the program.

Helping Someone in Need and Warning Signs

许多学生在履行学业责任时遇到困难,首先会向教师或工作人员寻求帮助. 其他人不会直接寻求帮助,但可能会显示出他们在管理学业和个人生活方面遇到困难的警告信号. 教职员工在遇到问题时也可能会有同事来找他们. 同样的警告标志和指导方针,帮助某人申请教职员工和学生.

How to Flag Content as Suicidal

自杀预防生命线编制了一份顶级社交媒体网站的名单,这些网站允许用户将内容标记为自杀,并提醒网站管理员. 版主通常会联系用户,并向自杀预防生命线提供电话号码, although each site has its own protocols.  有关完整名单和报告机制的链接,请浏览 Suicide Prevention Lifeline web page, and see "Contact Safety Teams at Social Media Sites".

Quick Resource Links
On-Campus Resources

Emergency - OU Police
Phone: 911 (from a campus phone) (248) 370-3333
地点:Meadowbrook Road,科学与工程大楼对面
Availability: 24/7

OU Counseling Center
Phone: (248) 370-3465
Availability: Monday-Friday 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

SEHS Counseling Center
Phone: (248) 370-2633
Location: 2nd Floor of Pawley Hall
Availability: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. -  9 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.*

*Center is closed when classes are not in session and for all holidays.

Off-Campus Resources

Common Ground
Phone: (248) 456-0909 (800) 231-1127 (toll-free)
Location: Multiple locations in Oakland County
Availability: 24/7

Macomb Crisis Center
Phone: (586) 307-9100
Location: Multiple locations in Macomb County
Availability: 24/7

(LGBTQ Support)
Phone: (800) 398-GAYS
Location: 290 W. Nine Mile Rd., Ferndale, MI 48220
Availability: Monday-Saturday 3 - 9 p.m.

(Domestic & Sexual Violence Support)
Phone: (248) 334-1274
Location: Multiple locations in Oakland County
Availability: 24/7

Oakland Family Services
Phone: (248) 853-0750 (866) 903-8955 (toll-free)
Location: Multiple locations in Oakland County
Availability: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.*

*Hours vary by location.

Macomb Family Services
Phone: (586) 226-3440
Location: Multiple locations in Macomb County
Availability: Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 9 p.m., Friday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m.*

*Hours vary by location.

State and National Resources and Hotlines

View a list of national resources and hotlines. This list includes resources for everyone, but also has resources for specific populations including students, veterans, LGBTQ, mothers, etc.

Request Training

Training on Mental Illness and Suicide

基于当前最佳实践和基于证据的实践的材料 Suicide Prevention Resource Center and the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention is used to provide training to address the needs of students, 与精神疾病和自杀预防相关的工作人员. The training includes:

  • Background information on mental illness and suicide
  • Warning signs of mental illness and suicide
  • OU-specific information and resources
  • Skills to approach an individual in-need

Training is open to OU faculty, staff and students.  Sessions are approximately 1.5 hours and are free of charge.

A minimum of 10 participants is preferred for training sessions, but smaller groups may be accommodated.

Request a training now.

Mental First Aid Training

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is an internationally recognized, “亲自培训,教你如何帮助患有精神疾病或处于危机中的人”. The material is based on current best-practices and evidence-based practices. Participants have been demonstrated to:

  • 培养他们对精神疾病和成瘾的迹象、症状和风险因素的认识.
  • 为患有精神疾病或成瘾的个人确定多种类型的专业和自助资源.
  • 增加他们帮助处于困境中的人的信心和可能性.
  • Show increased mental wellness themselves.

Studies also show that the program reduces stigma. 

课程长度为8小时,可在公开大学亲自授课,也可采用混合形式. 混合模式需要在6小时的虚拟培训课程之前进行2小时的个人在线工作(总共8小时)。. 现场培训将提供一天的课程或分成两个4小时的课程.

公开大学的教职员工和学生都可以免费接受培训. Sessions are limited to 20 participants.