The Grizz bear wearing a jersey that says Oakland on it, with people walking through the room behind him


Planning to transfer colleges and complete your bachelor’s degree at 十大菠菜台子? We make it easy.

Phi Theta Kappa, the national honor society for two-year colleges, named 十大菠菜台子 to its prestigious Transfer Honor Roll for 2024. 该奖项旨在表彰那些在为转校生提供四年制学位课程方面表现出色的大学. This is OU's fourth consecutive year receiving this recognition.

十大菠菜台子每年欢迎1000多名转校生,而且这个数字还在增长. We welcome transfer students from community colleges and four-year schools, 还有退伍军人, 国际学生, 以及通过AP课程获得大学学分的高中毕业生, 国际文凭(IB)课程, or the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP).

If you’re thinking of transferring colleges, we’ll help you achieve a smooth transition to 十大菠菜台子 with:

  • 关注你的需求. 你将与招生顾问和学术顾问一对一地工作,他们会认真倾听, 及时沟通, eliminate hassles, 消除障碍. Every transfer student has distinct objectives. 我们会把你的放在最前面. 注册转学生活动 或者安排一对一的咨询顾问(800-OAK-UNIV),这样我们就可以开始谈话了.
  • Convenience. We’ll help you maximize the value of your transfer credits, so you can graduate as quickly and affordably as possible. To streamline the admissions process for transfer students, 十大菠菜台子参与了全州范围内的转学协议(如MTA和MACRAO),并与近40所院校签订了单独的转学衔接协议.
  • Ongoing support. 一旦你注册了, we’ll stay in touch to ensure that your transition to 十大菠菜台子 is successful. 如果你需要任何帮助来适应, choosing courses, 计划你的时间表, 或者在课堂上取得好成绩, 我们整个团队,包括全体教员, advisers, 和管理员-是在您的处置.
  • 金融援助. We’ve set aside millions of dollars in scholarship and grant funds for transfer students. 取决于你的平均成绩, 您拥有的转学分数, 还有其他标准, 你可以省下几千元的学费.

Transferring to 十大菠菜台子: Helpful Hints

Before you submit your formal application to transfer to 十大菠菜台子, we recommend completing one or more of these steps. With just a little advance planning, you can save a lot of time and hassle down the road.

  • Attend a transfer event and meet with an adviser. If you only take one step before you apply for transfer, make it this one. 十大菠菜台子 hosts free events for transfer students throughout the year, including Transfer Tuesdays (twice a month) and Transfer Open Houses (four times a year). All events enable you to meet with admissions advisers. If you attend an Open House, you can get an immediate admission decision. 查看我们的活动日程表 to register for the next transfer student event.
  • 使用我们的自助服务工具. If you’d like an immediate, unofficial assessment of your transfer credits, use our Transfer equivalent自助服务工具. 您也可以使用我们的 Transfer Guides清晰度的协议MI Pathways and 其他转让信贷资源. 这些在线工具使您能够找到您当前的机构,并将您的学分转换为十大菠菜台子的等效学分. 这些自助服务工具不能替代与学术顾问的一对一会议, 而且这个消息是非官方的. However, 他们可以给你一个有用的估计,你已经满足了哪些先决条件和哪些学位要求.
  • Consult our college-specific transfer guides. 如果你就读的大学与十大菠菜台子有转学协议, 咨询相应的 transfer guide. These short, 简明的清单可以让你快速决定哪些学分可以转移到你感兴趣的特定学位.
  • 审查我们对转学生的录取标准和转学分的规定.

Apply Now 如何查看你的录取状态
转移等效工具 Transfer Guides



  • 24个或以上大学学分: GPA不低于2分.5 will be considered for admission to 十大菠菜台子. OU will also consider positive trends of most recent grades.
  • 少于24个大学学分: Admission will be based on both college and high school records; you must submit both college and high school transcripts.

You must submit official transcript(s) from each college or university you have attended (and high school if you have fewer than 24 college credits) to:

371 Wilson Blvd.

电子成绩单可发送至 [email protected] (现任公开大学学生应将其成绩单发送到注册办公室,地址为 [email protected]). 成绩单必须加盖学校印章,不得加盖“发给学生”的印章." If you have attended more than one college, transcripts from each must be provided.

接受中断正规教育三年以上的个人, and who would not normally meet other admission criteria, may be considered based on one or more of the following: sustained employment record; recommendations from employers, educators or other professionals; and standardized test results. 这些申请人需要与十大菠菜台子招生顾问进行面试才能被考虑录取.


十大菠菜台子仔细考虑申请人在申请时提供的所有信息. 开放大学的申请审查过程包括仔细阅读和考虑每个申请人. 如果入学申请人在申请时发现了以前没有提供的新信息,可以提出上诉.


You may 将你的上诉提交给 本科招生主任,连同下列文件:

  1. 主任应考虑的新信息(未包含在原始入学申请中)的描述. This new information can be related to the applicant's academic performance, or a description of the extenuating circumstances, which was not provided at the original point of application.
  2. 任何相关补充资料, including an updated transcript or standardized test scores, if applicable.
Steps to Apply
  1. Complete the 在线申请.
  2. 无论你是否获得学分,你的成绩单是否已经从所有以前就读的院校寄出. The application process requires that students list all institutions attended. 如果不这样做,可能会导致拒绝入学或随后取消入学. 获得少于24学时学分的转学生还必须提交高中成绩单, and must meet admission standards which are applied to entering freshmen. Click here to request your high school transcript through Parchment, if applicable.  成绩单必须加盖学校印章,不得加盖“发给学生”的印章."
  3. If admitted, you will receive a transfer credit evaluation within one week.
  4. If admitted, you will be invited to attend a 转学生迎新 where you will receive important information on the university, meet with an academic adviser and register for classes.

作为公开大学的新生, 从2020年秋季开始,你可以从以前的机构转移的学分数量将没有限制. OU accepts transfer credit 从所有区域认可的机构和一些非区域认可的机构. 所有转到十大菠菜台子的学生必须在十大菠菜台子获得至少45个学分才能完成学士学位课程. Review course-by-course transfer equivalencies.

After you are admitted, you will receive an official transfer credit evaluation. 所有课程以2分完成.0 (or equivalent) or better grade is evaluated. You may use transferred courses for general education and major requirements. 学术部门将在你在开放大学的第一学期结束时审查你的成绩单,以获得用于满足专业要求的学分.

OU participates in several community college transfer agreements, including the 密歇根转让协议 (MTA).我们还与密歇根州的28所社区学院签订了正式协议,概述了转入公开大学的具体学术途径. 了解……的好处 根据转让协议.

你也可以跟着转 program guide for your intended OU major, from any community college in Michigan.

Students with 国际证书 must have an official, course-by-course evaluation sent by a NACES 成员求值器,例如 Span Tran, 世界教育服务 or 教育证书评估员.

Military students with one year of continuous active duty service are awarded four elective credits. 在审查军事成绩单和ACE指导方针后,可以授予进一步的转学分.

美联社/ IB / CLEP / DSST政策
十大菠菜台子欢迎通过大学先修课程(AP)获得大学水平学分的学生。, 国际文凭(IB), the College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) or DANTES Subject Standardized Tests (DSST). 公开大学的注册办公室评估和奖励学分或豁免的某些分数 AP, IB, CLEP和DSST. 我们也认可IB文凭. You should apply for admission and be sure to send your scores directly to the 司法常务官办公室 for evaluation.

By following the path laid out by our Transfer Admission Guarantee (TAG) program, high school and transfer students can reserve a place at 十大菠菜台子. 无论你是一名希望在完成副学士学位后转学的社区大学学生,还是一名计划提前转学的高中三年级学生, you have a unique chance to secure your future.

TAG程序允许您访问特殊的 大学学分通知日, 公开大学的学术咨询人员提供指导,以确保你在正确的道路上最大限度地转移你的社区大学课程. 当你遵循TAG计划并完成为转学到十大菠菜台子而设计的课程计划时, 你有保证,每一个努力都是为了最大限度地提高你的学分,使你不必重修一门课程.

In order to best maximize your time at the community college, TAG项目是为计划在社区大学开始高等教育的高中三年级学生和高年级学生设计的, or current community college students with less than 56 earned credits.

If you can answer “yes” to every statement below, you may be eligible to participate in the TAG program:

  • I am planning to complete my bachelor’s degree through 十大菠菜台子
  • I plan to have a cumulative college GPA of 2.5 or higher
请求更多信息 关于TAG项目.


(location map)
(248) 370-3360

Office Hours
M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.