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OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

OU Administrative Policies

罗彻斯特 MI 48309-4482

615 Animals in University Facilities and on University Grounds


理由是:  This Policy is intended to enhance the safety and health of faculty, 学生, 工作人员, 承包商, vendors and other visitors, and to supplement the existing Oakland University Ordinances, 通过提供有关十大菠菜台子(“大学”)设施中动物存在的规则和限制.

政策:  除非本政策另有规定,否则任何人不得将任何动物带入大学设施.

SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY:  本政策适用于所有大学教师、学生、员工、承包商、供应商和访客.


服务的动物:  Means “Service Animals” as that term is defined in 28 CFR § 36.104, as it may be amended from time-to-time. Generally speaking, Service Animals include any guide dog, 信号的狗, 或其他被单独训练来为残疾人工作或执行任务的动物, 包括, 但不限于, guiding individuals with impaired vision, alerting individuals with impaired hearing to intruders or sounds, providing minimal protection or rescue work, pulling a wheelchair, or fetching dropped items.

University Facility or University Facilities:  指任何建筑物, 设施, structure or improvement, 开式或封闭式, 这是私有的, 许可, 租用的, or under the control of, 大学.


No person shall bring any animal(s) into a University Facility except as follows; provided, 然而, that any such animal brought into a University Facility is properly 许可, vaccinated and tagged as required by applicable law:

A. 服务性动物,当他们帮助有“残疾”的个人时,如28 CFR§35所定义的.104 as it may be amended from time-to-time, 除非服务动物对他人的健康或安全构成直接威胁,或者服务动物的存在将导致服务的根本改变, 与大学设施或该大学设施区域的项目或活动. 希望将服务性动物带入大学设施的残疾人士必须联系大学的残疾支持服务办公室(学生)或大学的ADA协调员(教师), 工作人员 and others); and

B. Animals under the control of a law enforcement officer acting in the course of his or her duties; and

C. Animals approved by 大学 for use in research or for instructional purposes are permitted only in 大学’s Biomedical 研究 Support Facility or other University Facilities as approved by 大学’s Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee ; and

D. Animals kept in the residence halls, student apartments, family housing and greek cottages as approved by the Department of University 住房; and

E. Animals kept in private homes in the Meadow Brook Subdivision in accordance with the terms of any applicable lease agreements; and

F. Animals required for an event sponsored by 大学 or a student organization; provided, 然而, 主办学校或系的副校长已书面批准该活动, 如属学生组织,则由负责学生事务的副校长负责, and 大学’s Director of Risk Management; and

G. Other animals when authorized in writing by 大学’s president, or his or her designee, or when required by law.

No person shall feed, 诱饵, build shelter for or inject medication into Wildlife occupying University Grounds.


Individual Responsibilities. 在本政策允许的情况下,将动物带入大学设施或大学场地的个人全权负责:(i)完全控制动物, supervision and care of the animal; (ii) ensuring that the animal does not urinate or defecate in any University Facility; (iii) cleaning and removing any urine from a University Facility or feces from a University Facility or University Grounds; (iv) reimbursing 大学 for any costs associated with the repair of any real and/or personal property and/or University Facility damaged directly or indirectly by the animal or the animal’s presence in a University Facility; (v) complying with all other applicable University ordinances, 政策, practices and procedures, 包括 without limitation Ordinance No. 4.17; and (vi) complying with any applicable local, state or federal ordinances, statutes and regulations.

Removal and Restricted Areas. 在本条例允许的情况下,大学可要求移走大学设施内的任何动物, or prohibit animals from designated areas within University Facilities, if 大学 determines, in its sole and exclusive discretion, that the animal: (i) has damaged any real or personal property or University Facility; (ii) is a threat to the health or safety of others; (iii) is disruptive (e.g., 吠叫, 流浪的, displaying aggressive behavior) and, if the animal is a service animal the behavior is outside the duties of the service animal; (iv) is ill, 不卫生的, unclean and/or unsanitary; (v) may fundamentally alter the nature of a University program or activity (e.g., 研究实验室, areas requiring protective clothing, food preparation areas); or (vi) as otherwise permitted or required by law. 如果学校决定,学校也可以要求从学校设施中移走任何动物, in its sole and exclusive discretion, 将动物带入大学设施的个人未能遵守本政策的要求. 除了, 任何无人看管的动物可能会被扣押和/或移交给奥克兰县动物控制中心.

Reporting Violations of this Policy. Violations of this Policy, and animals that are threatening other animals or humans, should be reported to the Oakland University Police Department at (248) 370-3331.

Violations of this Policy. 除了 to removal of animals as provided in this Policy, any violation of this Policy by: (i) any University faculty, 员工或其他雇员可能会受到纪律处分,直至并包括终止雇佣关系(视投诉而定), discipline and other provisions of any applicable collective bargaining agreement); (ii) any University student may result in discipline up to and 包括 expulsion; and (iii) any other person may result in the person being prohibited entering any University Facility and/or entering upon 大学’s campus. 违反本政策的人也可能受到任何适用的大学政策或条例和/或任何当地法律规定的民事和/或刑事处罚, state or federal laws or regulations.

援助. 请致电(248)370-4196与环境健康与安全办公室联系,寻求解释本政策的帮助.


OU美联社&P # 640 Oakland University Ordinances, 包括 without limitation Sections 4.14. 4.17和4.27
