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COVID Guidelines and Other Infectious Diseases

重要的是要跟上当前的指导方针和建议,以保持您和他人的健康和安全.  As the provider of healthcare on the OU campus, GHC遵循密歇根州卫生与公众服务部(MDHHS)和疾病控制中心(CDC)关于各种呼吸系统疾病和其他传染病的指导方针.

Influenza InformationMonkeypox Information


On March 1, 2024, 疾病控制中心更新并简化了针对患者的指导方针 Respiratory Illnesses such as COVID-19, Influenza "the flu" and RSV. Please click here to read the current guidelines.

如果你生病了,呆在家里帮助减少呼吸系统疾病的传播吗. 您可以恢复正常活动,至少24小时,同时满足:
       • Your symptoms are getting better, and       
       • You haven’t had a fever.

When you go back to your normal activities, take added precaution over the next 5 days, 例如采取额外措施清洁空气和/或卫生, masks, physical distancing, 和/或测试你什么时候会在室内和其他人在一起.

Isolation Guidelines


  • 前5天在家隔离(从出现症状的第二天开始,或对没有症状的患者进行检测的第二天开始)
  • If symptoms have improved or no symptoms developed, return to normal activities, while wearing a well-fitted mask, for the next five days to protect others
  • If individual has a fever, 在家中待24小时直至退烧,不使用退烧药物,然后戴上合适的口罩恢复正常活动, until the 10-day period is complete


  • 如不愿/不能佩戴口罩,应居家隔离10天

Notification of Contacts

  • COVID-19检测呈阳性的个人还应通知他们在感染期间接触过的其他人(从症状开始前两天开始,或者如果没有症状,检测呈阳性)
  • 优先通报个人/家庭接触者和免疫功能低下者或高危者
  • 个人将遵循以下隔离指南

MDHHS COVID-19 Guidelines

CDC Guidelines for COVID-19 Isolation

Exposure Guidelines



  • 一旦发现自己被感染,请立即戴上合适的口罩(对于那些不能或不愿戴口罩的人,可以选择家庭隔离)。
  • 从第一天开始计数(第0天=你与COVID-19患者接触的最后一天), Day 1 is the first full day AFTER your last exposure)
  • 自最后一次接触之日起10天内避免暴露或高危接触易感人群的活动
  • Watch for symptoms for a full 10 days
  • If you develop symptoms - Isolate Immediately AND get tested, stay home until you have your result. 如果你在家里做了快速测试,结果是阴性的,48小时后重复测试. 
  • 如果你的测试呈阳性,你必须遵循隔离指南.  Your new Day 0 will be the day your symptoms began. 
  • 如果你没有出现症状,在接触后不早于5天进行检测.  

MDHHS COVID-19 Guidelines

CDC Guidelines for COVID-19 Exposures

Reporting COVID-19 Infections or Exposures

Graham Health Center 是否不再按照十大菠菜台子在2023年春季发布的流程变更跟踪病例或暴露情况.

如果您希望将您的阳性测试记录在GHC的安全患者记录中, 您可以将结果上传到您的安全患者门户网站.  如果您选择这样做,请注意您将不会收到任何个性化的指导.  If you choose to upload the results, 请务必提交以下记录:检测类型(快速抗原或PCR), date the test was collected, and result.  您还需要提交您的实验室报告或快速测试的图像.  If you have a positive home test, please write you name, and the date the test was taken, on the test cassette or card. 

Expectations For Students, Faculty, Staff in Isolation

预计任何COVID-19检测呈阳性的人都应遵守隔离说明 CDC website (also noted above).

For University Housing Resident Students in Isolation:

  1. 按照你搬进住房时确定的预先计划行事. 
  2. 如果您有任何问题,请与您的住宿顾问交谈.
  3. 如果你需要离开自己的空间或与他人在一起,你必须随时戴上口罩.
  4. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, 请拨打校园警察电话(248)370-3331,以帮助将救护车送到急诊室.
  5. 如果你有伤害自己的想法或想自杀, please contact the following ON CAMPUS RESOURCES:
    • M-F 8AM-5PM -十大菠菜台子咨询中心248-370-3465.
    • 下班后,如果您遇到紧急情况,请致电OUPD (248) 370-3331.
    • 你也可以拨打以下校外危机热线电话:
      • Common Ground 1-800-231-1127
      • Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (1800-784-2433)
      • Crisis Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
      • The Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386

What CAN’T You Do While in Isolation?

  • DO NOT go to face-to-face classes, work, public events, eat with others in public spaces (cafeteria/food court)
  • 不要离开你的房间,除非去指定的洗手间, for food pick-up or to receive medical care.
  • DO NOT have visitors. 家人和朋友可能不会来探望,因为这会让他们和其他人处于危险之中.
  • How to Take Care of Yourself:
    • Eat regular, healthy meals
    • Get at least eight hours of sleep
    • Stay hydrated
    • Find a way to keep active in your room. Consider streaming various exercise classes
    • Open your windows and get fresh air when you can
    • Connect with friends and family virtually
    • Do not use alcohol or recreational drugs
    • No smoking, no vaping
    • Monitor your symptoms
    • Monitor your temperature and heart rate daily. 如果您有办法检查您的氧饱和度(xx%),请这样做. Keep a log of this information
    • 根据医务人员的指示使用退烧药物

What is available to you when you are in isolation? 

  • Health care:
  • Mental care:
    • Counseling Center Resources
    • Common Ground 1-800-231-1127
    • Suicide Hotline: 1-800-SUICIDE (1800-784-2433)
    • Crisis Hotline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
    • The Trevor Lifeline: 1-866-488-7386

  • Physical health:
    • The Rec Center has online resources for online activities.

  • Academic support: 
    • 别忘了联系你的教授,让他们知道你不能上课了.

Graham Health Center

408 Meadow Brook Road
Rochester, MI 48309-4452
(location map)
(248) 370-2341
fax (248) 370-2691

24-hour RX refill:


M-F: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Closed for lunch 12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.