
OU to celebrate grand opening of 研究 and Innovation Center



Inside the 工程与计算机科学学院’s 研究 and Innovation Center.


Inside the 工程与计算机科学学院’s 研究 and Innovation Center.


Inside the 工程与计算机科学学院’s 研究 and Innovation Center.


Inside the 工程与计算机科学学院’s 研究 and Innovation Center.


Inside the 工程与计算机科学学院’s 研究 and Innovation Center.



OU to celebrate grand opening of 研究 and Innovation Center
The 研究 and Innovation Center will house bioengineering, 机械, 电, 工业, 计算机科学实验室, and serve as a hub for research conducted in partnership with industry.

5月20日, 十大菠菜台子 will celebrate the grand opening of the 工程与计算机科学学院’s 研究 and Innovation Center (RIC), a 48,位于罗切斯特山的700平方英尺的设施, 密歇根州. 那里将容纳生物工程, 机械, 电, 工业, 计算机科学实验室, and serve as a hub for research conducted in partnership with industry.

“The new 研究 and Innovation Center at 十大菠菜台子 marks a pivotal step in fostering a new culture of discovery and collaboration,Louay Chamra说, dean of the 工程与计算机科学学院 (SECS). “这个最先进的设施将赋予我们的教师权力, 学生, and industry partners to push the boundaries of innovation and tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time.”

The new facility is located at 2871 研究 Drive in Rochester Hills, 距离十大菠菜台子主校区两英里. It currently includes a collaborative space with an open kitchen with a 16-person table, 四个咖啡馆风格的摊位, 七间私人办公室, 还有两张大桌子作为额外的社区工作空间. A 36-person conference room is also equipped with the latest audio-visual technology. This space has been used for continuing education, university meetings, and to host industry events.

除了, the facility is also home to multiple faculty research labs — five high-bay and six low-bay — that support research in the areas of advanced manufacturing, 人工智能, data science and cybersecurity; autonomous and connected systems; bioengineering; and power and energy.

"The 研究 and Innovation Center is a cornerstone of progress for the 工程与计算机科学学院, 为尖端的研究实验室提供重要的空间,”医生说。. 丹尼尔·阿洛伊,SECS研究主任. “我们的教职员工和学生的奉献精神推动了这一切, who have secured over $10 million in external research funding annually for three consecutive years, 这个中心体现了我们追求卓越的承诺.

“Equipped with $6 million in new advanced measurement capabilities from federal funds, it is poised to spearhead and grow our research in strategic thrust areas,阿洛伊补充道. “超越学术界, these capabilities promise to catalyze economic development and industry partnerships, cementing our role as a driving force for innovation in 密歇根州igan."

Mitsubishi Electric Automotive USA has donated a vehicle simulator to the SECS-RIC, which provides an unparalleled platform for immersive experimentation and research, 并提供了127美元,000 in funding to Professors Vijit Pandey and Osamah Rawashdeh for a study entitled “Using a Driving Simulator to Collect Data on Driving Performance.”

除了, the SECS-RIC has received two separate $3 million federal community project awards through the National Institute of Standards and Technology. 第一笔300万美元的奖金是由美国政府资助的.S. 代表. Haley Stevens and will allow OU to acquire an automotive antenna measurement system (AAMS) that performs full-scale vehicle antenna pattern measurements (APM) and over-the-air (OTA) 测试 of wireless systems.

“作为唯一的多用户, 在美国拥有这种能力的公用设备, the acquisition of this instrument would make a significant regional and national impact on advanced mobility research & 发展和劳动力发展,”阿洛伊说. “This acquisition will significantly enhance OU’s research infrastructure and directly impact multiple ongoing externally funded programs. It will also facilitate research training for postdoctoral associates, 研究生和本科生, 涉及K-12学生的外展活动, 以及现有和未来的工业合作.”

第二笔300万美元的奖金是由共和党众议员支持的. John James and will allow OU to establish an interdisciplinary, 多层次的, and multi-functional facility to address challenges in vehicle electrification on a national and regional basis. This facility will include a full spectrum of research and development capabilities for electrifying automotive systems, ranging from battery material fabrication and characterization, 电气化动力系统管理, and chassis dynamometer 测试 to vehicle-level integration and optimization.

“我们预计附近的许多单位将使用新设施, 包括汽车原始设备制造商, 第一层/第二供应商, 联邦实验室, 以及学术机构,阿洛伊说. “这个设施将使密歇根州和美国.S. 在原型设计中缩小一个关键的技术差距, 测试, and standards development for competitive electrification solutions.

“Under the leadership of OU faculty with diverse expertise in advanced mobility, the proposed facility will be used for standards development, 认证, 研究活动. 教师, 本科, and doctoral 学生 will gain valuable experience operating and maintaining this facility,他补充道. “除了, this facility will serve as a training hub to grow the 密歇根州igan workforce and enrich our outreach program for the local community.”

代表. Stevens and James have been invited to attend the May 20 grand opening, along with Sen. 加里·彼得斯,参议员. Debbie Stabenow, and representatives from the City of Rochester Hills.

“The 研究 and Innovation Center will launch a new era in engineering and computer science research at 十大菠菜台子,”医生说。. 大卫·斯通,OU研究副总裁. “This new facility will house a national asset for 测试 and development of the next generation of automotive technology, 并将成为行业合作的中心. For our faculty, our 学生, and our region, we could not be more excited about its opening.”
